It obsesses me, thinking that similar landscapes and dawns could have been enjoyed by species several thousands and thousands years ago. We will go... we will come, but Mother Eearth and Father Sun will stay, and will keep on going with their dance of lights and shadows.
There is much more than the evident.
Disfruta, cuida y admira con respeto la belleza de la Naturaleza. No sabemos en cuanto tiempo las generaciones venideras no podrán ver estos paisajes, en gran parte por nuestro gran descuido.
Few ways exist that could be better to celebrate than surrounded by this. Mother Nature was there to tell me: "Good morning, welcome, happy birthday to you, Bren".
This place is not in the physical world, so don´t bother yourself trying to find it. It is to be visited only in my imagination, although that doesn´t make it less real.
La Isla en el horizonte. Ni las llamas del sol, ni el oro sobre las rocas, ni la fuerza del mar pueden distraer mi vista de la más hermosa isla. Me agobia la distancia. Me consume el temor de un nuevo amanecer donde la más hermosa isla no esté más.
How to define reality in absolute terms by the information we obtain from our restricted senses? How to express that there is much more to discover? How to know what other evolved beings could sense? In any case, the perfect response will not be found in this incarnation, but of one thing I'm sure. This is in my world, therefore, to my relativity, this is real.
Vigorous Unique Vigilant is the spirit of the water.
... when I am in front of Him, I don´t know with certainty if I am dreaming or if I am awaken... in any case, it´s irrelevant, for He is real both on Earth and in my private World... Bren Ruiz
The first photo on 10.10. Great joy, great clouds, great sea, great friend.
Stille Nacht. Heilige Nacht. Alles schlaeft, ausser Bren. 24.12.18
Qué escondes bajo esa bruma? Qué seres mitológicos albergas? Muestras tu belleza, a la vez que tu temible fuerza para mantenerme al margen y no indague más... Qué escondes?
There will be the point in this civilization that we understand that the existance is much more than the evident. The formulas will come and will be so accepted that none will deny them. The common people of the future will talk about us and about the funny times when narrow-minded humans didn´t know all our potential, in the same way today we talk about ancient times, when people believed in geocentrism. Brenda Ruiz
"El ingenio humano nunca imaginará una invención más hermosa, más simple o más directa que la Naturaleza, porque en sus inventos no falta nada, y nada es superflo" - Leonardo da Vinci.
¿Acaso deveras se vive con raíz en la Tierra? No para siempre en la Tierra. Sólo un poco aquí... Autor: Nezahualcóyotl.
"And never have I felt so deeply at one and at the same time so detached from myself and so present in the world..." Albert Camus
Low fog can be intimidating, even more when a long path is still to be walked and the mist and the darkness are getting denser. But I still can feel the excitement, the rapid heartbeating , the feeling of being surrounded by "so much", knowing I´m not alone. I was so alive... I was so real.
...Porque no sólo se mira con los ojos, sino con el corazón...
The ups and downs, like the high waves, can be for the best, as the surfer feels alive on the rough waters. (Tide=3.7m, Wave distance=12s, Windspeed=16km/h, Sky=redder than ever).
The sea can heal any illness... specially those of the soul.
I´ll see you there... in my dreams.
Challenges improve our everyday's life, as mould and gravel polish the rock.
We can feel far apart, but we are not... we are one, we are in the same place and time at once... Distance is a mindset.
It is us who are the guests and not the owners nor the kings and queens in this awesome Planet. We must care as It cares of us.
Primer día de vacaciones (Dic 2018), después de tiempo de no estar cerca del mar. Es difícil describir la emoción y el júbilo.
There will be finally a point in time when they stop teaching at school that we have five senses. The only thought is a non-sense.
Apanowayan el lugar sagrado donde pasan las aguas. Aún cuando los nahuas no vieron estas rocas, hoy yo soy sus ojos.
"Those we love never truly leave us, Harry. There are things that death cannot touch." - Jack Thorne
Isn´t it awesome to see how the stars looked light-years ago? Would someone out-there be looking at us right now far in the future? 30.12.2018. 14mm. 360 shots. 30s. 3h Total Exposure Time, which I spent dancing and rubbing my feet, not to get too cold. Foreground from last picture.
Isn´t it awesome to see how the stars looked light-years ago? Would someone out-there be looking at us right now far in the future? 31.12.2018. New Year's Eve Star Trails. 14mm. 360 shots. 30s. 3h Total Exposure Time, which I spent dancing and rubbing my feet, not to get too cold. Low clouds appeared screening light pollution. Awesome adventure.
The adventure of passing through the little window of my badroom, crawling on the ceiling of the building aside and freezing at -6C has no price.
Todo fluye. "En todo hay manifestada una moción medida; un flujo y un reflujo; un vaivén, una mengua y una creacida como una marea; una pleamar y una bajamar entre los polos que existen..."
Iguana formation. 04.2019. You have been there since a hundred million years. What have you seen? How has this planet changed?
Los opuestos son los mismo, difiriendo sólo en grado. ¿Dónde cesa la "oscuridad" y comienza la "luz"?
¿Por qué el ojo ve más claramente cuando estamos dormidos que la imaginación cuando estamos despiertos? - Leonardo da Vinci
"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."
Aquel que reconoce su Luz como la Luz del Sol, nunca será engañado por el velo del lo ilusorio.